Addie has a rare disease called Charcot Marie Tooth.
She rewrote Try by Pink into a song about her disease and recorded it to raise awareness.
Her nonprofit Addie’s All Stars raises money to help fund research for a cure.
Addie has a rare disease called Charcot Marie Tooth.
She rewrote Try by Pink into a song about her disease and recorded it to raise awareness.
Her nonprofit Addie’s All Stars raises money to help fund research for a cure.
CMT has been an unexposed disease for many decades, but HNF’s mission is to change that. For over 9 years, HNF has been connecting to Neurologists at important meetings.
Global Genes, in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Orphan Disease Center, will host the 2018 RARE Patient Advocacy Symposium in Philadelphia on May 19th, 2018.
Start the New Year by getting involved and helping HNF conquer CMT. There are many ways you can get involved.
Meet Lainie Ishbia who created Trend-ABLE to empower women with invisible physical disabilities and challenges.
a new partnership with The Mighty
ust released, the third annual Rare Neurological Disease Special Report has CMT taking a front-row position with several articles discussing the latest developments in CMT treatments and improving CMT care.
video of Robert’s keynote about CMT going largely unrecognized
#GivingTuesday unites countries around the world by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another, and using the power of social media to amplify the small acts of kindness by organizations, families, and individuals.
The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation is proud and excited to kick off the charitable season with #GivingTuesday on December 1st. #GivingTuesday unites people across the world by sharing our capacity to care for and empower each other.
This November, the #GivingTuesday movement is running #MyGivingStory, a new storytelling contest...