Meet Traci Williams, HNF’s newest Movement is Medicine™ Ambassador. Traci lives in Montreal, Canada, and was born with CMT1A. Diagnosed as a child (now in her 50s), she was told she would permanently be in a wheelchair by the age of 20. At 19, she was introduced to yoga and realized she had been meditating naturally on her own about a decade before that. “Having a Type A personality, yoga bored me, but my body, even with pain, wanted to do it… and I listened”. She has been teaching since 2011 and now has over 500 hours of related training, including in-depth anatomy and physiology! Kundalini yoga is a holistic yoga that incorporates repetitive physical movement and sometimes static postures timed with breathwork, chanting, meditation, and relaxation. It is believed to work directly on the nervous system, glands, and chakra system (the body’s energy centers, which largely correspond with the plexuses—bundles of nerves along the spinal cord). “I personally believe strongly in the mind-body-and-spirit connection, so my favorite yoga is Kundalini yoga along with yoga Nidra”.
Empowering Kids with CMT
What are the key ingredients and practices for raising empowered kids with CMT? Dr. Ficchi is a licensed therapist with specialty areas of focus on individuals with disabilities.