Get the Latest Neurology News!

by | Aug 15, 2012 | 1 comment

Thanks to the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), obtaining the latest information on neurological conditions is a cinch.  AAN’s magazine Neurology Now is available at  and offers an IPAD version as well as the option of a print version mailed to your home.  Neurology Now is an easy to understand publication which “provides patients with credible, up- to the minute, balanced coverage of the latest advances in neurology research and treatment.”  Subscriptions to Neurology Now are FREE to individuals with a neurological disorder.  Caregivers, family members and friends in the United States are also eligible to receive a free subscription.

The magazine was started in 2005 as a way of increasing patient education.  From Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to Traumatic Brain Injury, from migraines to Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), one in six Americans is affected by a neurological disorder themselves or knows someone who is.   As any parent of a child with learning differences will confirm, having reliable information readily available is of great help when trying to get the most out of school services.

An additional benefit has been to help people feel less isolated.  “When living with a chronic disease, especially one with invisible symptoms,” explains Mike Smolinsky, Managing Editor, “it is important to form communities to share advice and experiences.”

So many people wanted to describe their experiences and share their stories.  In 2010, the AAN began the Neuro Film Festival.  The Neuro Film Festival is a contest to raise awareness through video about the need to support research into prevention, treatment and cure of brain diseases. Over 300 videos have been submitted since 2010 with this year’s Grand Prize being $1,000 and a trip to New Orleans.  

Neurology Now has something for everyone, including a photo series titled “Pictures of you.”  Look in the June-July 2012 issue to read a spotlight on Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation’s own Allison Moore.

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1 Comment

  1. Diane Sopich

    I have cmt, And would like to know if there are any new treatment.


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