When a Pandemic Hits… CMT’ers Adapt as Usual!

by | May 7, 2021 | 0 comments

When a Pandemic Hits… CMT’ers Adapt as Usual!


One of the greatest disappointments for me during the pandemic was the forced cancellation of the 2020 Movement is Medicine™ Summit. The inaugural summit was so motivational and energizing that I was looking forward to the next one before I even returned home from Phoenix. While no virtual event could match the excitement of the in-person event, the March 2021 virtual Movement Is Medicine™ Summit was the next best thing. I am thankful to the HNF and AdventHealth for bringing together so many experts with so much useful information. 

Like many people with and without CMT, I have faced challenges with staying active during the pandemic, and mobility challenges add another layer to that difficulty. The information provided during the virtual summit was a great reminder of the particular importance of commitment to exercise, good nutrition, and meditation to those of us with CMT. I hope everyone will have a chance to view the recorded sessions, but I will share a few of the highlights for me. 

As a person with severe CMT symptoms, I am always looking for a good, fun workout that I can adapt to my abilities, and the surprise interactive dance routine just after the keynote address met that requirement beautifully. I have to admit that I was glad not to be on camera, but I smiled and sweated the whole way through. The several exercise sessions well spaced through the day were all very well designed for CMT patients and the presenters did a great job showing modifications for people with different abilities. I will definitely be adding some of the moves I learned to my fitness routines. 

Meditation is something I have been interested in but hadn’t quite known how to get started. I found it very helpful to learn how simple breathing techniques and meditation can help us deal with the levels of stress we all face. 

I try very hard to eat a healthy diet but can never get too many reminders about the importance of eating well. I was not aware that malnutrition and dehydration are common to people with CMT. 

Lastly, the slideshows during the breaks and the session on Therapy Across the Lifespan of the Disease reminded me of the many resources that are available to us. Click Here! Sometimes I get too busy living my life to seek those things out but I want to take advantage of whatever I can find to make life with CMT easier and more enjoyable. 

I will be looking forward to the next opportunity to see everyone in person, but again I appreciated this fun and informative event. Stay healthy! KEEP MOVING & SIGN UP FOR HNF’S MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE™ CLASSES Click here!

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