Every Voice Makes A Difference: Social Media Awareness For Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

by | Sep 18, 2015 | 1 comment

Social FBWhether you were born with a smartphone in your hands, or you just figured out what “The Twitter” is, we can’t deny the powerful and pervasive effects of social media in our daily lives.

We are living in the Social Age where every Facebook share, trending #hashtag, and Instagram like can travel at breakneck speed to every corner of the world. Social media has created an unprecedented level of connection and communication. One voice can become the voice of tens of thousands in a matter of seconds.

That’s why it’s so important for you to join The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation on all of our social media channels. A collective social media voice, backed by a thriving CMT community and robust fundraising efforts, will grab the attention of the lucrative industry influencers we need to achieve our ambitious goals for the future.

Don’t think your voice is making a difference?

Check out our stats during September’s Charcot-Marie-Tooth Awareness Month:

The CMT Update Newsletter  New Signups: 143

Global Registry For Inherited Neuropathies (GRIN): 35 New Registrants

Inspire Support Community: 25 and climbing!

Facebook Page Reach: 116,049

September Donations: Donations up 50% from August!

This kind of awareness and community growth are essential and will translate into the much needed research funds we need to find a cure for Charcot-Marie-Tooth!

Come join us and connect with the CMT community on all of our social media channels HERE:



Twitter: @CMTNeuropathy




Looking forward to connecting. By helping us, we are helping you!

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1 Comment

  1. Kevin

    saniyaAugust 24th, 2013 hey,im from pakistan and i just srettad following u on instagram and ur work is aaamazing! the way u play with water colors is just unbelievable.every single item in ur portfolio is very innovative and different.and yout tutorials are very helpful! i would love to intern with you..from which country do you work! after lookijng at your work it gave me inspiration to start mine! best of luck for ur futuree! seriously you have got some amazing hot seller stuff though i would like you to make covers for cell phones other than iphonee! ur a BG inspiration for me! would love to meet you in person!


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