CATEGORIES: CMT Update | Ways to Give


by | Aug 19, 2014 | 0 comments

WEdding Picture2A couple unselfishly decides to accept donations in lieu of gifts.

On a beautiful May day in St. Monica Parish, Whitefish Bay, Robert and Cheryl Kearney exchanged wedding vows surrounded by friends and family. They celebrated on board the Harbor Lady in Milwaukee.

After a champagne toast, guests cruised on Lake Michigan and were treated to views of the Milwaukee skyline, the Hoan Bridge, and the famous Calatrava at the Art Museum while indulging in a top notch buffet and dancing the day away.

Cheryl and Robert made the altruistic decision to ask their wedding guests to make a donation to HNF in lieu of traditional gifts. They are longtime friends of Chris Wodke, founder of Team CMT, and were the first two members to join Team CMT. Cheryl, Robert and Chris participated together in the first Team CMT running event and proudly wore the Team CMT singlet.

The couple decided to designate their donation interests to HNF after witnessing the tremendous efforts of their friend, Chris, who works tirelessly daily to raise awareness for CMT. They are both thankful to be healthy and want to give back to help those living with CMT.

Cheryl and Robert are honored to support HNF and help to raise awareness for CMT. They regularly participate in charity runs, marathons and triathlons, and always wear their CMT singlets. HNF is extremely grateful for their kindness and dedication to HNF and Team CMT: To date Cheryl and Robert have raised over $3650 for research!

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