![Slide2 (1)](https://www.hnf-cure.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Slide2-1.jpg)
How Does CMT Affect You?
Join the thousands of HNF volunteers who are fueling CMT research. The more you share, the more we’ll learn. Complete your GRIN surveys today!
Join the thousands of HNF volunteers who are fueling CMT research. The more you share, the more we’ll learn. Complete your GRIN surveys today!
CMT Self-Care: A 30-Day Journey to Empowerment and Well-Being Living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth...
In the fast-paced world of para triathlons, one name stands out among the rest: Skyler Fisher, a dynamic 19-year-old powerhouse representing Team USA.
"ABCs of CMT Pain Management" is now on Amazon! The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation is thrilled...
Meet virtually with host, Julie Stone & fellow CMTers from all over the world for a fun and...
Pediatric CMT Natural History Study enhancement to their Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) and Inherited Neuropathies (IN) patient registry, Global Registry for Inherited Neuropathies (GRIN).
HNF Awarded 2023 Health Equity in RARE Impact Grant For Spanish CMT PSA Awareness Campaign with Diagnosis & Patient Care Toolkit. The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation is thrilled to announce that we are a recipient of the Global Genes Health Equity in RARE Impact Grant!
Kenneth’s groundbreaking book, CMT-Associated Genes and Their Related Subtypes: The Definitive...
The support group offers time to participate in a variety of both educations & open discussion meant to help everyone engage with others on similar journeys.
When searching for support and answers to CMT questions, social media can be very beneficial....
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