million dollar bike race

2019 Million Dollar Bike Ride

by | Mar 18, 2019 | 0 comments


Hello Fellow CMT Patients, Family, Friends & Stakeholders,

For the first time, HNF has been invited to join the prestigious Million Dollar Bike Ride for rare disease research in Philadelphia on June 8, 2019. This is a unique opportunity for the CMT community to come together and have its donations matched by the Penn Medicine Orphan Disease Center – enabling us to double our efforts to find a cure for CMT! 

To qualify for matching funds, we need your help for HNF to raise a minimum of $30,000 to be eligible for a matching grant, so please consider joining our team or sponsoring a rider.

  • Click here for instructions to register. Riders only need to raise/donate $250 (plus a $25 registration fee) and can choose from short, medium and long rides.
  • If you can’t join us, consider sponsoring our Founder and CEO, Allison Moore who has been instrumental in our CMT research agenda and the development of successful clinical trials

We rely on our generous donors, so we can continue to bring treatments to our patient community. We only have 4 weeks to reach our goal and every little bit helps!

Whether or not you ride, please join us by advocating and sharing this event on your social media channels. (FB, Twitter, Instagram…)

When registering be sure to choose the option to “Register with Fundraising”. 

All donations will go to support the Therapeutic Research In Accelerated Discovery (TRIAD) program, an innovative strategy for CMT Research. 

Create your fundraising page using the link below:

Questions? Email [email protected]

Let’s keep the wheels turning for CMT!


Courtney Hollett
Executive Director


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