Our CMT Inspire Community, Soon to be 2,000 Strong!

by | Jun 4, 2015 | 1 comment

HNF has partnered with Inspire to provide a safe online health and wellness community in which patients, families, friends, and caregivers connect with one another for support and information. Some of the HOT topics currently being discussed include “Pregnancy and CMT,” “Types of AFOs/Leg Braces,” and, “What You Wish Your Doctor Knew.”

If you have not joined us yet, please take a minute to set up your profile and join our community. Don’t forget to add your picture to make things a bit more personal. For more info on the CMT Inspire Community, please contact [email protected]

10 Reasons

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1 Comment

  1. chiefarchitect

    I am a 74 year old asian male that has had CMT approximately 8 years now. I was wondering if any other Asians have had similar experiences in the progression of the muscular weakness as well as blurred vision, hearing loss and speech problems. I think this website is a wonderful resource for those who suffer from the desease. Thank you.


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