HNF Awards the inaugural HNF Clinical Translation Fellowship

by | Aug 16, 2024 | 2 comments

HNF Awards the inaugural HNF Clinical Translation Fellowship in the amount of $170,000 to Kayla Cornett, PhD

We are thrilled to announce the establishment of the HNF Clinical Translation Fellowship, awarded to Kayla Cornett, PhD, a distinguished postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Sydney and the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Dr. Cornett is recognized for her expertise in clinical outcome measurement for pediatric neuromuscular diseases, particularly Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT).

About Dr. Kayla Cornett

Dr. Cornett’s work is at the forefront of pediatric neuromuscular research. As an early-career researcher, she has already authored over 45 publications, including a seminal report in the Annals of Neurology on the natural history of CMT during childhood. Her collaborative efforts with leading researchers worldwide have significantly advanced the reliable and sensitive assessment of function in children with neuromuscular diseases.

Fellowship Overview

As the landscape of drug development for CMT rapidly evolves, with therapies like small molecules, RNA-targeted therapies, and gene replacement advancing toward clinical application, the need for tailored clinical trial outcome measures has never been more critical. This fellowship aims to address this need by developing new measurement tools, including remote tools for tracking disease progress, training clinicians, assessing patient natural history through global expansion of the GRIN patient registry, and disseminating valuable information to the global CMT community.

Impact on the CMT Community

This fellowship will play a pivotal role in advancing clinical research and care for CMT patients. The work undertaken by Dr. Cornett will not only improve the precision of clinical trials for both adults and children, but also provide more accurate and meaningful assessments of patient outcomes. The expansion of GRIN globally will enable more comprehensive data collection, ultimately leading to better-informed treatments and therapies for those affected by CMT.

We are excited to support Dr. Cornett’s groundbreaking work and look forward to the significant contributions she will make to the field of CMT research.

Stay tuned for updates on her progress and the impact of this fellowship on the global CMT community.


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Help us answer questions that your doctors and the CMT Research Community aren’t too sure about.

Did you know that you can become part of a community in therapy development and further research for all forms of CMT and inherited neuropathies? The mission of the Global Registry for Inherited neuropathies (GRIN) is to collect clinical and genetic information from patients with ALL forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) and other related rare and ultra rare inherited neuropathies.

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  1. Laure Ebel

    Where can I get information specifically regarding HNPP ?


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