Joe finishing the Philadelphia Half Marathon in November 2012.
Joe is an active member of Team CMT and we appreciate all he does for HNF. He has been busy performing, raising awareness and exercising for a cure! While Joe was performing The Music Man at Philadelphia’s Walnut St. Theatre, he raised $5500 for the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation. He completed the Philadelphia Half Marathon on November, with a time of 2:41:15.
Joe’s album Second Soul was released on iTunes, and a portion of the
proceeds are going to HNF. Click here to buy Joe’s album.
proceeds are going to HNF. Click here to buy Joe’s album.
November 2012-January 2013, Joe Played the role of “Olin Britt” (Quartet Bass)
in The Music Man at Walnut St. Theatre in Philadelphia (second in from right)
in The Music Man at Walnut St. Theatre in Philadelphia (second in from right)
Currently playing “Stewpot” in South Pacific in Wilmington, DE at the Delaware Theatre Company.
(standing just under the Billis Laundry sign with a Gilligan-like sailor hat)
In February, Joe had the amazing honor of performing in Carousel at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall alongside theatre and opera greats, as well as the entire NY Philharmonic. He is a member of the ensemble and featured as the Policeman. Carousel aired on PBS Friday April 26th. Click her to see a clip of the preformance.
(top row, second in from the right, grey sweater)