Dorothy J. Fairman Memorial Travel Scholarship

by | Jun 21, 2016 | 3 comments

Scholarship (4)Dorothy J. Fairman Memorial Travel Scholarship for HNF’s 2016 Patient-Centered CMT Summit

Dorothy J. Fairman, 70, passed away on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 in Tucson, AZ. She had Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Type 1A and died of respiratory failure secondary to CMT.

Dorothy was not only known for her kindness, patience, and generous ways, but for her beautiful home (decorating was a passion of hers), wonderful cooking, gracious hostessing skills, and her positive outlook on life despite her physical challenges. Her father was in the Army, so she spent much of her life living in many states and countries around the world. She had a true passion for travelling.

Like so many of us, Dorothy never discussed her CMT diagnosis. However, one of her last conversations with her daughter, Joy Aldrich, was about how proud she was of Joy’s role as Advocacy Director for HNF. Given a bit more time, Dorothy surely would have become a very vocal advocate for the impactful work HNF is doing to support CMT patients and families. Dorothy generously named HNF as a beneficiary in her Trust, and this Travel Scholarship would have been something she would have been so proud to offer.

There are a limited number of Travel Scholarships of up to $1000 USD available for CMT patients/caregivers who wish to attend HNF’s 2016 Patient-Centered Charcot-Marie-Tooth Summit on October 6, 2016 in New York City. Application forms can be found here and are due by July 30, 2016. Questions? [email protected]

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  1. Linda Westmoreland

    I also have C T1A. I would love to travel to New York to attend this conference. Dorothy sounds like a person I would have loved. My youngest son also has CMT1A. He has a more severe case than I, but he is a brave person who rarely complains. I need to learn all I can about this disease and would be wonderful to meet others whom I maybe friends with on some of the chat sites.
    Thank you,
    Linda Westmoreland

    • courtney

      Hi Linda,

      I hope you will be able to join us! Please let us know if you have any questions.

      • Linda Westmoreland

        I am not sure if I have already applied for this conference. How do I check if I am on the list?


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