The CMT Biobank is now open! Are we coming to a city near you?
Do you want to make a difference in CMT research? HNF is looking for patients with a confirmed CMT diagnosis to participate in the CMT Biobank. Your vital blood samples and de-identified GRIN data will be shared to develop cell models of all CMT subtypes as targets for various therapeutic approaches and for the identification of biomarkers of CMT.
It’s easy. Simply complete the form if you are able to visit one of the following events where our partner, COMBINEDBrain, will collect samples. There is no cost to participate.
Interested in Participating in CMT research?
Who: Anyone diagnosed (EMG or Genetic Test) with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (we also need a handful of non-affected sibling controls).
What: COMBINEDBrain and HNF will be collecting blood samples to be stored in the CMT BioBank and available for select biomarker projects as well as other GRIN Advisory Council-approved projects.
Where: COMBINEDBrain and HNF are collecting samples all across the country this year. Please see the list below of locations to find the closest CMT BioBank collection to you. You may visit ANY of these locations.
How: Fill out the form and pick the location closest to you.