Gretchen worked at the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Chicago for just over 17 years (10 years in NY and 7 here in Chicago) in the Bank Supervision Group, until she decided to stay at home with her three children in late 2015. Her specialities included consumer protection and capital risk management. She managed several teams of examiners, including the large bank supervision team in Chicago, which was responsible for oversight of the most complex bank holding companies in the district. She has a B.A. in Spanish from Washington University in St. Louis and an MBA from NYU.
Gretchen is interested in being a part of the HNF board since she grew up quietly managing her CMT and now two of her kids have it. She wants to be an active advocate and part of the wonderful progress that HNF has been facilitating. She believes there can be a cure and thinks that the Chicago area is ripe for more involvement. There is a obviously a large population of people affected by CMT and she hopes to increase awareness and spearhead fundraising in the Chicago area!