I was born and raised in Colorado where I attended Regis University. I completed both my undergraduate course work and Pharm.D. there. Currently, I work as an oncology pharmacist at an infusion center in Lafayette, Colorado. As an oncology pharmacist I am in a unique position to help educate my colleagues not only about CMT and other related, inherited neuropathies (i.e HSAN) but also about the detrimental effects neurotoxic chemo can have in a CMT/HSAN patient.
Despite having symptoms of CMT since childhood (high arches, hammertoes) I have never gained an official genetic diagnosis, despite whole genome sequencing. However, my clinical presentation is consistent with an unknown type of, what my neurologist believes to be, hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (HSAN).
Outside of work, I love spending time with my sisters/family, my husband, my 4-year-old son and my two dogs.